WM in Weymouth
Wer die Teilnahme an der WM in Weymouth plant, soll bitte melden oder dies zumindest dem Struan Wallace vorab mitteilen. Siehe e-mail von Struan
Dear Charles and all,
If your insurance company is unable or unwilling to extend your insurance area cover for the Worlds, Noble Marine have kindly offered to insure you 3rd party for the period of the events.
Cover will be offered between the dates 18th to the 31st August 2019, this will allow competitors time to unpack their boats and get some practice time in.
The cost of the cover will be £200 plus IPT. Total cost £224.00
To take the cover out competitors need to phone Noble Marine on (+44) 1636 707606 (option 1 ) (9am-5pm BST). Once a card payment has been made the appropriate documents will be e-mailed.
Obviously they will need a mobile phone number and an e-mail address for competitors whilst they are at the event.
Struan Wallace
BACCA President
Mob: 07860 737303T
Ferry crossing discounts here:
Accommodation links here: https://www.acatworlds2019.uk/speakersImportant doc’s: https://www.acatworlds2019.uk/speakers
Activities for non competitors at WPNSA here: