A-Cat Classic Regeln – Diskussion

Hallo Allerseits,

Die A-Cat Classic Regeln sind bis jetzt nur vorläufig und müssen jetzt in ein feste Regel übergeführt werden. Charles Bueche erklärt in folgendem Schreiben (weiter unten), wie das organisatorisch ablaufen kann.
Der VDAC-Vorstand hat keine Einwände dagegen.
Um eine Diskussionsrunde über die Classic-Regel im Forum zu starten, habe ich einen ersten Beitrag dort reingesetzt.



Dear Presidents of National associations,

We had two Worlds where the Classic Discipline was officially run, first in Hervey Bay in 2018, then in Weymouth in 2019. We have revised the Classic Definition before Weymouth, and have concluded it just works as it is now. The definition still allows for development while putting restrictions in place to clearly separate the Classics boats from their Open siblings. We have the Europeans in Cadiz in June and Worlds in St Petersburg in Florida in October next year and need to provide our classic discipline members with some certainty going forward.

To capitalize on this first step, the Classics now needs some stability. This is why we propose the following procedure:

  • The Classic Discipline Championship trial rules valid from 1st March 2019 have been reviewed by the IACA committee and given the positive responses received will stay in place and apply to the upcoming European Championships in Cadiz / Spain & the World Championships in St Petersburg / USA.
  • Should no request for changes be received during this period, in terms of IACA constitution Rule 11.1, an agenda item will be raised at the next WGM for trail rules to be voted on and if approved, the appropriate ballot sent to all financial members.
  • If any National Association feels a change is required to these trial rules then we welcome any alternate proposal to be scheduled for a vote during the WGM. Please note that any final approval will need to be looked at in terms of Constitution Rule 11.1.

If anyone isn’t happy with the above procedure, here is how you have to proceed :

  • An alternate proposal can be presented to IACA by 31.12.2019. If three National Associations come up with an alternate proposal, it will need to be looked at in terms of Constitution Rule 11.1.

Final remark :

  • It is strongly suggested that any country that has A class builders as members approach them to gauge their thoughts and suggestions as well. They have first-hand knowledge what is possible and not possible with boat conversions, etc.

Kind regards,